Escrima Simplified Fundamentals New Book


The (WSEF) is an international escrima federation that was
founded in 2003, by Grandmaster Anthony Davis and Prof.
Leo T. Fong for the purposes of preserving the combative,

scientific, philosophical, and the spiritual applications of the

late Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales. As stated by Prof.

Leo T. Fong ” Much of Angel Cabales’ system of Escrima I

have incorporated into my empty-hand system called; “Wei

Kuen Do”. Additionally, Prof. Fong was one of Bruce Lee’s

and Angel Cabales’ star students and personal friend.

Grandmaster Anthony Davis began his studies in the field of

martial arts at age 15. In 1984, GM Davis was extended a

personal invitation from Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales

to privately train under him in Stockton, California. Based

upon the personal permission of GGM Angel Cabales, GM

Davis has been keenly instrumental in spreading the

“Davis/Cabales Serrada System of Escrima” worldwide. It is

essential to note that the ‘Serrada System of Escrima’ as

taught by Grandmaster Angel Cabales has extensively

influenced several top notched Bruce Lee students such as;

Leo T. Fong, Dan Inosanto and Richard Bustillo.

GGM Angel Cabales is responsible beginning in 1966, for

the emergence of Filipino martial arts in America, and also,

that he is officially considered to be the “Father of Escrima

in America” as well. In 1991, GGM Angel Cabales was

named by ‘Black Belt Magazine’ as “Weapons Instructor of
the Year”.

Guru Michael Schwarz

Grand Master Guru Michael Schwarz

In 1979, I began instructing Tae Kwon Do/Hapkido(Moo Du Kwan)
under Master Changhee Jhoon. It was thru my TKD/Hapkido
training that I developed unmatched body
conditioning/hardening skills. While in the military I continued
training in Moo Du Kwan and obtained my 2nd & eventually 3rd
Degree Black Belts. My initial introduction to the FMA came in

Upon my return from the military in the early ’90’s.  I continued study with
Serrada Escrima under Pangulong Guro Chuck Cadell III, I
achieved Pangisang Guro status. My empty hand, blade and
stick/cane abilities increased under his instruction.
Most recently, I obtained the status of Panginoon Guro & Master Guro in the
Davis/Cabales Serrada System of Escrima, Honorary GM in the D/C Serrada Escrima System and 6th Degree Black Belt in American Tang Soo Do under Master Danny Lane.

Additionally, I am the current President & of the WSEF(World
Serrada Escrima Federation) throughout the midwest and east
coast. I also have recently been honored with a seat on the
Board of Directors for the WMAF (World Martial Arts Federation) & WMAU (World Martial Arts Union).

My credentials are certified by the WSEF/MAI(World Serrada
Escrima Federation/Martial Arts International), WMAF (World Martial Arts Federation)

USMA(UnitedStates Martial Arts Association, and the MMA(Midwest Martial

Guro Lance Wahls & SM Guro Mike Schwarz
Lance Wahls:

Lance was born in Lexington Illinois, and currently resides with his wife and three sons in Highland Illinois. He spent more than twenty years in the Air Force, and retired from active duty in 2005. His military career took him to the Philippines, Okinawa, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and England. Lance has been employed as a network engineer since leaving the military. He grew up on a Quarter Horse farm which was the focal point of his early life. Future plans will always include time for practicing Serrada Escrima, and if he becomes ‘Lolo’ one day, he hopes to teach his grandchildren.

Guro Casey Wahls & SM Guro Mike Schwarz
Casey Wahls:

Casey was born in Cocoa Florida, and currently resides in Highland Illinois. His childhood involved growing up as an Air Force dependent, which took him to Bedfordshire England, Tampa Florida, and Las Vegas Nevada. He played football while living in Las Vegas. Casey’s interests include firearms, practicing his guitar, photography, video games, and continuing his growth and development in Serrada Escrima.

Guro Sean Wahls & SM Guro Mike Schwarz
Sean Wahls:

Sean was born in Tampa Florida, and currently resides in Highland Illinois. After a couple of years in Tampa his early childhood as an Air Force dependent took him to Las Vegas Nevada. He has participated in soccer, baseball, basketball, and cross country. Sean’s interests include reading, video games, and has been on the Honor Roll at every school he has been enrolled. Serrada Escrima will continue to play a prominent role in his life.

Escrima Simplified Fundamentals New Book